Friday, February 26, 2010


Go Broncos!

Jeremiah and Troy received tickets to the Broncos Chiefs game for Christmas.  They left from Wyoming so exctied Sunday morning.  Jeremiah was pulling for his team , the Broncos while Troy, being a Kansas boy wanted the Chiefs to win.  They had been teasing each other since Christmas morning building the excitement for the game. 

Lexi rode with them to Denver and spent some time with Aunt Mimi and Harlynn.  Jeremiah and Troy met Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Dale and they headed over to Invessco Field.

That's one happy 7 year old!

They both had a BLAST and will remeber this day for years to come! 

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for this special day!

Yes that's right the Chiefs won 44 to 24.  Jeremiah was a little disappointed, but was a great sport. He even wore a Chief's jersey to school the next day since he lost a bet with Grandma.  He came home and told Troy he had to explain why he was wearing a Chief's jersey so he didn't get picked on at school.  Some of the older boys at school told him it was just not cool to wear a Chief's jersey in Bronco's country.  Of course it was all in good fun and he knew it.

Troy will never let Jeremiah forget that the Chief's won this one.  Don't worry Jeremiah, we have to let them win evey now and then so they keep coming back for more, we'll get them next year!

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