Thursday, August 27, 2009

The gang ready to head to school

The kids love "short cut trail"

I always get nervous when they cross this bridge. I figure one day someone will end up in the creek.

Some days it is hard to decide who you want to be...........................

a Power Ranger

with big muscles

a pirate

Anakin Skywalker


or maybe Buzz Lightyear.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Back to school

The first day of school.

My big 2nd and 1st grader are so sweet to their baby brother.

Jeremiah and Lexi were both thrilled to ride their bikes to school.

Off they go!

Miles and I walked with them to be sure they made it ok.

Watch out 2nd grade, here we come!!

In the 1st grade line!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Goodbye Summer

I can't think of a better way to end Summer than camping!

I will help collect firewood, but I'm still playing this harmonica.

Look how big this tree is Mom.

Even Miles helped so we could have a big bonfire.

Now you play and I'll dance.

Saturday we had a couple of early morning visitors.

We drove to find an open place to launch the rocket.

It went a little further than expected.

Checking out the view.

The wind sure can blow up here.

Goodbye summer, what a great one it's been!!!!!!!!

Picnic lunch at 12,100 feet.

Red Cone

Jason came to visit us at camp and introduce us to his new Jack Russel puppy, Gary.

The kids chased Buster around squirting him with water.

Gary loved Lexi.

Let see who can go in the farthest.

Wow that's cold!

Lexi was the daring one, making it the farthest every time.

No way could you get me to go in like this.

Jumping jack in the sun to warm up.

And right back in the water.

Making race tracks.

Lexi LOVES playing in the dirt!!!

I wanted to camp a night with just the kids. We left the tent up when we left last weekend to make the adventure easy for us.

The kids seem to be covered in dirt as soon as we get out of the car.

It was fun to stomp on these dead tree branches until Jeremiah got stung by a bee on his leg............

And seconds later, Miles on his left index finger. Two of his fingers and his hand puffed up pretty good.

Lexi was so proud she could make it the farthest balancing on this tree.

Troy came by after work to check on us and cook us dinner.

Miles helped me get the fire going so we could cook breakfast.

Warming up by the fire in the morning is nice.

Jeremiah was a huge help axing firewood.

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