Monday, April 27, 2009


Harlynn visits

On Sunday evening, Harlynn came over, Mike and Mandy went to a play.
We were all thrilled to have her visit.

The kids took turns holding their newest cousin.

Harlynn didn't seem to mind all the attention.

Does it get any cuter than this?

Mandy and Mike, please bring Harlynn over anytime, we all enjoyed playing with her!

Jeremiah and Lexi helped get Harlynn into her jammies.

And a little snuggle time.

We had fun telling each of the kids how they were once that little and even wore these heart jammies.

Troy got a little time with Harlynn too.

Jeremiah talked Dad into letting him take over the feeding.

Then he burped her.

And read her a story. Jeremiah was so sweet taking care of Harlynn.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Saturday was nice a calm, no wind or rain.

Still a little chilly in the morning, so we burned the rest of the firewood.

And then it was time to start packing up.

Everyone had to help take the sleeping bags and clothes from the tent.

It warmed up to 62, a beautiful blue sky day.

Still climbing on the rocks.

Still can't get over the views.

It takes team work to fold up the tarp.

Scouts have to learn to put the tent away.

One last climb up the big rock.

"Thank you Moab for letting us walk all over and see you." - Jeremiah

"Help me back down Dad" - Lexi

I had a great week camping with you guys!

The one scary spot we had to drive over in the river bed to camp.

Gotta living life on the edge.

Our final stop at a river overlook before heading home.

Every night at dinner, we continued our family tradition of discussing our favorite and least favorite part of the day.

Our favorites:

playing in the dirt

launching the rockets

walking to the river overlook

watching you guys rock climb

finding the treasure

letting you guys sleep in your own tent

going on a climb with just Dad and then the whole family came

it was all fun

the new canyon through the tunnel we discovered

seeing the good view at the Upheaval Dome

playing with cars in the sand and making tunnels

hiking with the family


looking for shapes in the rocks and clouds

playing my guitar by the fire

seeing the parrots while hiking

playing in the dirt

Least favorites:

falling off that rock

when you made us have quite time (yet the giggled the whole time)

getting out of my warm sleeping bag to go potty

the wind and rain

having to leave camp

when it was raining

returning to camp to find tent blown over

having to find my ball after dad lost it

making you guys go to bed

waking up to rain

no fun when smoke blows in my eyes

having to go back home

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Friday's are for exploring

It started drizzling around 4:00am Friday and continued until 9:30.

Scrambling the eggs.

"Okay, I just saw another scorpion, I'm getting down" - Jeremiah
Yes, they were small, but they were scorpions none the less!!

Cub scouts have a lot of duties when it comes to camping.

"Stop on the track for a picture" - Kendal
"ON the train track?" - Troy
"Yes, we just read that a train only comes by every few days" - Kendal

"But you never know when that day every few is do you Kendal" - Troy
Yes, up and around the corner, we heard the whistle of the train, so we ran up to an open area to see it pass by.

"Thank you Moab, for letting us find treasures." - Lexi

"Hold my hand." - Lexi

Yes, there are 3 parrots on that rock.

The kids were pretty impressed with the fact that these people were out "walking" their pet parrots.

The hike to Corona Arch has some crazy spots.

"Can we hike to that arch? It looks like a leg and a foot." - Jeremiah

Corona Arch

Bow tie Arch

Our 4 hour hike to Corona and Bow tie Arches worn out our boys. Notice that they are holding hands.

"It's dark outside, need to go to bed" - Miles

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