Thursday, August 30, 2007
August 30, 2007
Jeremiah had a great 2nd day of Kindergarten. He even earned a bumblebee, for doing a good deed. Apparently, he saw a little girl in his class crying, so he went over and took her by the hand, offering to help her.
After school he enjoyed his first soccer practice. The kids look so cute running around kicking the ball at this age. His team actually got the concept of no hands in soccer! After soccer, off to computer class. Soon he will be sending emails and surfing the Internet, faster than I can. Jeremiah had a full day and was beat when we finally got home! I bet he'll sleep great tonight.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
August 29, 2007
When I picked him up this afternoon he told me he really liked being a Kindergartner. Tonight, when we were tucking him in to bed he said "I'm almost a grown-up now, right?". Slow down Jeremiah, you are already growing up WAY too fast!!!!!!!! And we are so proud of you!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
August 28, 2007
What an exciting day! This morning, Troy, Jeremiah, and I attended Kindergarten open house. We all we on a scavenger hunt, learning about the classroom and school, then after a short pep talk from the Principal, the parents were sent home, to let the kids get to know each other. Jeremiah had lunch at the school and then we picked him on the playground. He told us he had a good time and can't wait until tomorrow when he gets to go all day.
This evening was Preschool graduation. The kids looked so cute in their cap and gowns! They sang a few cute songs, and then we watched a slide show of pictures of the kids through the years. It was a super special night for Jeremiah. And I made it through it without crying!! Uncle Bryan, Aunt Sarah, and Aunt Mimi all came to celebrate with him.
The songs they sang...
This is My Preschool (You are My Sunshine)
This is my preschool
Lake Dillon Preschool
I had fun here
I learned and played
Soon I'll be in Kindergarten
But don't worry, I'll be okay
Take me to Kindergarten (Take me out to the ballgame)
Take me to kindergarten
Take me to my new school
But me some notebooks and a new backpack
Make sure you pack me a really good snack
Cuz it's bye-bye Lake Dillon Preschool
Thanks for the fun memories!
And it's 1-2-3 ABCs
Aren't you so proud of me?
Dreaming of being a Preschool Graduate!
Lexi had a special day as well. Not only is she now the oldest Vaille at the preschool, today was her first soccer practice. After running up and down the field a few times, she discovered if she just stays in one place and plays with her hair, the other kids will come back with the ball! Well, she looked super cute, and I guess we will work on the playing soccer part of being on a soccer team.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
August 24, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
August 12, 2007
Another beautiful day! We spent the morning playing in the backyard then did a little Geo caching this afternoon.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
August 11, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
August 8, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
August 8, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
August 3, 2007
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